
Easy as Japanese Railways (932)

Blacken some cells, place letters of the specified list into some cells, and then draw a single loop that passes orthogonally through centers of cells.
No cell can have more than one letter and each letter appears exactly once in each row and column. The letters outside the grid indicate the first letter that can be seen in the respective row or column from the respective direction. Do not put letters into blackened cells, cells with crosses, or cells with numbers.
Numbers outside the grid, when given, indicate the sizes of all continuous groups of blackened cells along that row or column, in positional order. These groups are separated by unblackened cells.
For a row (or column) with both a letter and number clues, the letter clue is always given second, even if the first letter is encountered before blackened cells.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2020 - Round 6 (145)
Parent puzzle:
Japanese Railway
Related puzzles:
Easy As