
Magic Snail (560)

Place a digit from 1 to 4 (1 to 3 in the example) into some cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row and column. Cells may remain empty. A cell cannot contain more than one digit. Along the path of the “snail” indicated by the bold lines (starting from the outside and going towards the center), the digits must start with 1 and be in consecutive ascending order, starting over from the highest digit to the lowest (that is, 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2...). Some numbers and empty cells (marked with ‘X’) may be already filled in the grid.

Reference: WPF (1)

WPF Puzzle GP 2015 - Round 2 (81)
Child puzzles:
Four Snails
Sky snail
Snail End View
Snail odd/even
Related puzzles:
Snail on snake